What is 1033?


1033 is a business development project sponsored by 3rd Person Inc.


The name 1033 comes from Luke 10:33 in the Bible.  The passage is about a man who is attacked, beaten, robbed, and left for dead on the side of the road.  Three different people pass by this injured man.  The first two religious men passed by the injured man and gave him no assistance. The third person, a Samaritan, stops and shows the injured man compassion.  Luke 10:33 says, “but a Samaritan came to where he was and when he saw him, had compassion on him.” 


Why is this a unique story?  Why was it such a big deal that the Samaritan stopped to help the injured man when the two religious men passed him by? 

During the time this story was told, the Samaritan people and the Jewish people despised each other.  They would not interact socially together due to the differences in culture and belief.  So when the Samaritan man saw the injured man,  it would have been completely socially and culturally acceptable for him to have nothing to do with the injured man, instead he showed him compassion despite their differences and beliefs. 

He stepped out of his social role and restrictions to help a fellow human in need.  He didn’t just help, he went above and beyond for a stranger; by giving him medical care, food and shelter. 

This is the goal of 3rd Person Inc, to show compassion to those in need.  We want to be the third person who sees our fellow human in need, and despite race, religion or cultural differences meet their needs with kindness and respect. 

We at 1033 want to use the sewing project to not just teach a skill, but reach into the lives of the people we see in need.  We believe by showing these women dignity, it will provide them hope and freedom from their physical needs. 

To learn more about 3rd Person Inc, and the community and business development projects we do please click here.

By buying a 1033 bag you have already done a lot for the ladies of our community.  Thank you for partnering with us to show dignity, inject hope and restore freedom in the lives of these women.  If you want to still do more, please hit the donate button.
